Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ohai, Sibu

I'm finally back in Sibu again after spending 3 weeks randoming in KL. Coincidentally enough, I was in the same flight as Aiman and Mona.

I returned to Sibu with a bunch of otaku and Japanese stuff this time. This actually reminded me of how I brought along a lot of anime DVDs when I came back from KL last time. Blame Sibu for not selling all those. LOL.

Talking about those, this is my top favorite Japanese product of all.

Remember when I said Bernard gave me a bokken during Comic Fiesta? Yeah, that is the one. Bringing it into the plane wasn't an easy task because that was considered as a weapon. I had to wrap it properly with a lot of newspapers causing it to weighed about 2 kg or so. Thank god I was allowed to keep it in the cargo with over-sized items after some workers checked it XD

The only otaku stuff I carried along into the cabin were my Lelouch figure and Project Diva glass because they are fragile.

Well, now that I'm back in Sibu again, I'm looking forward to tonight's New Year gathering with my friends :D


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