90/10 Principle
Mr. David showed us lots of videos the other day and among all of them, there was one which caught my attention. It was a video about Stephen Covey's 90/10 Principle.
It's true, right? We have no control over certain things in life but we can change what will happen after.
Let's take for an example of what happened to me before. My scientific calculator got stolen just on the last day of exam. I left it in my bag which was placed in another place since the next paper didn't require the use of that device. I couldn't bring it to the examination hall anyway. By the time I noticed that, it was too late to look for the thief. I blamed the teachers who were in charged of taking care of our bags. Where were they? Slacking off just because they felt that there were nothing important about our stuff? I had a real bad day and come to think of it now, I pity those innocent people I've scolded on that day. Lol. What if I gave the opposite reaction? Perhaps, I wouldn't end up ranting and getting mad at people at that time and my day wouldn't be ruined.
Recently, before I knew the existence of this interesting principle, another incident occurred. My sister borrowed my scientific calculator since for some reasons, I own 2 of those. After some time, she returned it and guess what, the calculator was half dead. There were scratches everywhere and the thing itself couldn't be covered properly. I didn't go havoc though. I just took it back without complaining because I knew it was useless. I continued enjoying the rest of the day like normal and managed to have some fun.
See the difference? When I first found out about Stephen Covey's principle, I agreed with it right away for I have experienced it myself. I must admit that it's hard to apply the concept but it's worth your energy and patience :D
yeah i believe this all the way.Though i really understand how u could shout at the teacher, i would of. I guess though the point is to keep cool.
good find.90/10
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